Light suspension cranes are used for a quick manipulation of loads between 80 kg and 3200 kg. They consist of modular steel or aluminium pre-fabricated components and enable a number of usage possibilites. They are designed for an immediate installation on the construction of the building and can be adjusted accordingly. Due to the modular design, subsequent modifications or upgrades are possible (for example, additional cranes on the suspension track, increasing load capacity of the crane, extention of the suspension track length, etc.). Light suspension cranes are used for a manipulation of lighter loads in specific work positions, montage lines, serving the machines, etc.
Properties of light suspension cranes:
- load capacity between 80 kg and 3200 kg
- modular design that allows numerous usage options
- low dead load of the crane and the suspension track
- modular elements length between 1 m and 8 m
- optional steel or aluminium components of the crane,
- optional monorail cranes, single-girder cranes, double-girder cranes
- installation of more than one crane on the same suspension track
- installation of the suspension crane and suspension track on the ceiling of the building, steel structure of the building or steel supporting structure
- optional telescopic arm that reaches the takeover point of the load outside the line of the suspension track
- optional installation with low headroom equipment
- optional electification of the movements of the crane
- optional additional or subsequent modifications, upgrades and relocations of the crane